Top 7 Foods for Healthy Skin

By Aibout Hichem Saturday, March 24, 2012 1 comment
1 - Berries
Berries are extremely high in antioxidants, especially blueberries (yummy!). Antioxidants protect your skin against free radical damage, pollution and many other things. They also contain fiber, vitamin C, vitamin E and manganese.
Free radicals can cause wrinkles, but vitamin C and antioxidants take care of them for us, how cool is that?
2 - Carrots
Carrots are the highest vegetable source of vitamin A. It prevents free radical damage, and helps develop and maintain skin cells. We like to eat them between meals when we crave something sweet, and they never disappoint!

3 - Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts contain selenium and zinc.
 Selenium improves skin elasticity, fights infections and gets rid of free radicals (beginning to see a theme here?), while zinc helps with various skin problems such as eczema and acne. They also contain healthy fatty acids which keep the skin moisturized.

4 - Oranges & Kiwi fruits
These two are filled with vitamin C, which reduce free radical damage and strengthen your immune system.

#5 - Green Leafy Vegetables
Greens are extremely important for your skin. They contain an abundance of vitamin K, which keeps your skin elastic, reduces aging and the development of wrinkles. Some of our favorite greens are
 romaine lettuce

6 – Salmon, Hempseed oil & Flaxseed oil    
These contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids which help combat dry skin, eczema, and improve overall skin quality.

7 - Avocados
Avocados are high in healthy fats, and they contain vitamin C and E. All of these together promote youthful looking skin.
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1 comments for this post

  1. Wow! What a great post. One of my favorites you have ever written. The Article about Top 7 Foods for Healthy Skin is really good article. Thanks a lot for sharing, i like oranges to have more,foods for healthy skin

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