Intestine Cleaner

By Aibout Hichem Thursday, March 22, 2012 1 comment
There are tones of dirt and toxic element sticking on the intestine wall through the
years. This toxic particles will accumulate bit by bit until make you fall sick.
Try this intestine cleaner juice to get rid all of them.
Celery has really coarse dietary fiber that when flush through the intestine, it can swept
away the sticky toxic on the intestine wall easily.
Pineapple and Lemon is a really good natural detergent in accelerating the cleansing

Serves 1
Grape 100 grams, whole
Celery 60 grams, stem only, cut into sections
Pineapple ½ piece, skinned, cut into slices
Lemon ½ piece, cut into half, seeded, with skin on
Some Fine Sea Salt, dissolve in warm water and let cool before adding into the juice
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